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IF you want to schedule a lesson at any indoor will need to reserve a court with them directly. So follow the instructions below and I will send you my calendly scheduling link. You will want to compare my availability with theirs...and then book a court with them that coincides with my calendar and yours. Once you book with them...go ahead and reserve your lesson through my Calendly scheduling link to finalize your booking.
Schedule A Private Session:
Step One: Fill out form to the right with your name, email address, phone number and which lesson you are interested in scheduling.
Step Two: Make payment via Venmo and include your name and email in the Venmo description to lock in your booking. (Checks are accepted for repeat clients)
Step Three: Once I receive payment via Venmo, I will send you my scheduling link to choose a time slot that is most convenient for you!
Step One: Fill out the form above with your name, email address, phone number and that you want a gift certificate.
Step Two: Make payment via Venmo and include your name, phone number and the word "CERTIFICATE" and the name of the recipient.
Step Three: I will send you my scheduling link to set up our first lesson, and either hand deliver your certificate at your first lesson or we can arrange for you to pick it up in person.
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